This morning, Safety Mark addressed a very clear and present danger to many of our staff, the possibility that clothing may catch fire. Given that our staff, in all sectors face these hazards daily that could present a threat, it only seemed natural to talk about it.
At first, the initial topic may seem a bit remedial, like a conversation for grade 2, but there’s a reason they teach kids this mantra, to save them in an emergency. STOP, DROP & ROLL!
Fire Do’s:
- Drop to the ground quickly.
- Lay flat with legs straight
- Cover your eyes and mouth with your hands
- Roll back and forth until flames are out
- Once flame is extinguished, treat any burns with cool water and seek immediate medical attention.
Fire Don’ts:
- Never run.
- Never wave your arms/legs.

We thought this Fire safety graphic would be all-around beneficial. Enjoy.